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Help !!! Виконайте граматичні вправи (Використовуйте Present Perfect, Past Simple).

1. Yesterday they (to feel) tired and (to go) to bed very early. 2. Where he (to spend) his holidays? 3. She ever (to spend) her holidays in the Crimea? 4. While travelling in the Crimea, she (to meet) your friend. 5. I never (to visit) that place. 6. You (to visit) that place last year. 7. They just (to get) a letter from their uncle. 8. You (to take) any photographs while travelling in the south? 9. I and my friend (to be) in the USA five years ago. 10. You (to be) in the Caucasus last year? 11. They (to leave) German when they (to be) young. 12. My brother (not yet to come) back. 13. You (to finish) already? 14. When she (to see) them last? 15. We (not to see) our relatives for ages. 16. His health (to improve) greatly since I (to see) him last. 17. You (to pass) your driving test yet? - Yes, I (to pass) it in May, but I (not to buy) a car yet. 18. We already (to move). We (to find) a nice flat before Christmas and we (to be) there for two years.

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В)more,more expensive

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