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Тест по английскому языку 8 класс (II полугодие)

2 вариант

TASK 1 Use must not or do/does not have to to complete these sentences
1. I have already finished all my work, so I ………………………………… study tonight.
2. I …………………………… forget to take my notebook with me.
3. Bats can navigate in the darkness. They …………………… see in order to avoid obstacles.
4. David! You ………………………….............. play with sharp knives.
5. We …………………………………… go to the cinema if you don’t want to watch the film.
6. If you want to be a good manager, you ……………………………. be rude with a customer.
7. If you are afraid of dogs, you ………………………………………... show any signs of fear.
8. You ……………………………. tell anyone my secrets.
9. A person ………………………… become rich and famous in order to live a successful life.
10. I ………………………………. do the dishes in the morning. My brother always does them.

TASK 2 Complete the sentences using the following words:
(desire, worn, supplied, variety, advantages, recorded, case, predicted, insists, irritable)
1. The children got a …………………………………………………. of toys on their birthdays.
2. I have a sudden ………………………………………………………... for a bar of chocolate.
3. What are the …………………………………………………………….………. of air travel?
4. The teacher ………………………………………………………………. on good behaviour.
5. The old man ………………………………………………………… a change in the weather.
6. John is happy. He has ……………………………... the whole concert of his favourite group.
7. I’ve had the jacket for seven years, it is absolutely ………………………………………. out.
8. I’ll take an umbrella in …………………….…………………………………………. it rains.
9. Jack had a headache and was in an ……………………………………………………. mood.
10. The town is ………………………………...................…. with water from a river in the hills.

TASK 3 Choose either, any, neither, none to complete the sentences.
1. I have two full-time Disney cartoons and I like …………….… of them, I think they are silly.
2. I’ll talk …………………….................…. to Victor or to Sam.
3. The Green’s dog has puppies and they say I can have …………………. of the five.
4. He promised to lend me three new video films but gave me …………………….

5. …………………… of our teachers works on Sundays.
6. Could I have ………………………...……… fish or chicken, please?
7. I’m afraid I don’t like ………………... of the stories in his collection.
8. ………………………. Ireland nor Great Britain is a big country.
9. Please give me ……………………. of these five postcards.
10. I have a lot of friends: ………….…. is the same age as me.

TASK 4 Use right prepositions to complete the sentences.
1. I was quite thrilled ………… the idea of going to South America.
2. Why drop ……………... me? It’s not my fault and you know it.
3. The children gave a groan …………………. disappointment when their team lost the game.
4. The poor dog was trembling ……….......…... cold outside the house.
5. She cried again, but this time they were tears ………………. joy.
6. When we arrived …….… our destination the sun had gone in and a cold wind was blowing.
7. Every time we mention the broken toy the little girl bursts ………………. tears.
8. The battleship sank ………… the bottom of the sea and stayed there for many years.
9. The Angara flows …………... of Lake Baikal.
10. The heavy drops of rain began clattering …………………... the roof of our cottage.
TASK 5 Chose the right form of the verb to complete the sentences
1. I remember (watching/to watch) the first man landing on the Moon.
2. Remember (telephoning/to telephone) me tonight.
3. Do you remember (travelling/to travel) in Europe last year?
4. Stop (eating/to eat), you’ve had enough.
5. Our friend stopped (saying/to say) hi.
6. The train stopped at the station (taking/to take) in the passengers.
7. We regretted (telling/to tell) Mary that we didn’t want her to go with us.
8. I regret (telling/to tell) you that we’re closing earlier today. Please leave the shop.
9. They do not allow pupils (visiting/to visit) nightclubs.
10. Sorry, we do not allow (bringing/to bring) dogs to the stadium.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ну, я не хорошо решаю , но мне кажется, что получится 26 км/ч 1)14-10=4(ч)-столько ехал велосипедист 2)104: 4=26(км/ч)-всего ответ: 26 км/ч - с такой скорость двигался велосипедист

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