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1. Tom usually (to play) football but yesterday he (to play) tennis.
2. I (to go) and visit him as soon as I return home.
3. I'm so tired! I think I (to go) to bed early tonight.
4. Look! He (to go) away.
5. Two days ago my family (to buy) a new TV set.
6. I have a toothache. I (to see) my dentist tomorrow.
7. They (to bring) me a kitten last Sunday.
8. Charlotte thinks they (to visit) her one of these days.
9. Ann (to meet) already this man.
10. She (to come) if you (to call) her.
11. Usually she (to wear) smart hats but now she (to wear) a funny
looking one.
12. The problem, ( to discuss) at the meeting, was very difficult.
13. The weather today is ( bad )than it was yesterday.
14. When I came home in the evening, my mother ( to talk ) with
her friend about her plans for the summer.
15 I ( not to finish) my test yet.
16. If I ( to finish) the test I would go home.
17. (to visit) London we saw many places of interest.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. Tom usually plays football but today he is playing tennis.

2. What language  do they speak in Holland? What language is he speaking now?

3. The professor speaks five foreign languages.Right now he is speaking Dutch.

4. My friend always tells me the truth, but I see that she is telling a lie now.

5. I usually drive to my work. Be careful! You are driving too fast.

6. She, as a rule,wears smart hats. But today she is wearing a funny-looking one.

7. I  do a lot of work every day. Don't worry! I know what I am doing.

8. Every Sunday he watches birds in the forest. Be quiet,the photographer is watching that bird. He wants to take a picture.

9. Do you eat fruit every day? What's the name of the fruit you are eating with such pleasure? 10. She adores French perfume butI can't guess what perfume she is wearing tonight.

11. She doesn't understand what the teacher is explaining now.

12. She is saying she loves him very much now.

13. I don't recognize the man who is giving a talk.

14. Don't you usually  drink coffee at thistime? What is that you are drinking now?

15. I hear Nick wants to know where you are living live  now.

16. I feel he is having a lot of problems with his elder son at the moment.

17. I generally feel well in summer but right now I am feeling miserable.

18. Paul feels that his uncle John notices all his faults.

19. Frieda hates it when it rains outdoors.

20. We think they are trying to make upquarrel.

21. The pop-concert is taking place on Saturday. They still are selling  the tickets.

22. What platform the train for Sochi is leaving? — According to the time-table it always starts fromplatform two.

23. The night-show is opening at 10.30 this evening.

24. It's a national holiday today. Is the bank working?

25. Nelly,why are you  hurrying  so much? — My plane is leaving at 7.45.

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