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Почему среди участников первый экспедиции оказалось немало генуэзцев (как известно, выходцем из Генуи был Христофор Колумб)?​

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Ответы на вопрос:

The greatest thing about my scholl is my class. i tnink that is one of the most important thing in my life.  i can say that all my classmates are my friends. everyday we spend a lot of time together. the most interesting and wonderful events in my life are connected with my    classmates.   i think that friday is   difficult day. its very hard to learn on friday because i think a lot about coming weekend. its hinders me.  i would like to change   the uniform at our scholl.  i would like to  add more  physical lessons  such as swimming and tennis. and i want that our director wll abolish bad marks.

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