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TASK 2. Прочитай текст и отметь соответствующие его содержанию варианты (а-с), чтобы закончить предложения (1-5).

Every Little Helps
(Story by a schoolgirl, age 12)
Once Vicki was coming back from her small country school. It was one of the last days of the term. The weather was so nice that the girl decided to take a longer way home, to the cottage where she lived. Her way lay through a small wood. Vicki was in shock to see that the wood looked terrible: there was rubbish everywhere — paper and plastic bags, boxes and bottles. Vicki ran all her way back home. She had to do something about it. Suddenly she had an idea. “We must clean up the place,” she thought. At home she phoned four of her school friends. They all agreed to help her. It was hard work but soon they put all the rubbish into big bags and took it away. The little green wood looked beautiful again.
On the next day the girls came to the wood once more. They wanted to see the rubbish dumpers with their own eyes. In the wood there were some people finishing their picnic. There was a lot of rubbish on the ground around them. “What are you going to do with this rubbish?” asked the girls. “The place looks ugly. Don’t you think so?”
"The young lady is right,” said a woman with a hat on, “we can’t leave this rubbish here.” “That’s right,” said Vicki. “Here, take this bag.” “Thank you, girls,” they said. “You’ve helped us to understand that the country is a beautiful place and we must keep it clean.”

1) Every little helps means _____
a) little children can very well help grown-ups
b) everybody should help to do important work
c) even small things can give good results
2) Vicki lived_____
a) in a city
b) outside a city
c) in the wood
3) When Vicki was going home she saw that the little wood looked_____
a) not the same as it usually did
b) the same as it usually did
c) better than it usually did
4) Vicki cleaned up the wood_____
a) with the help of her girlfriends
b) with the help of the picnickers
c) on her own
5) The picnickers_____
a) understood the girls and decided to clean up the place
b) understood the girls but were not ready to clean up the place
c) didn’t understand what the girls wanted
TASK 3. Соедините слова в двух колонках и впишите получившиеся словосочетания в соответствующие предложения (1-6).

1. waste
2. recycle
3. protect
4. has made
5. protected
6. payment a) the environment
b) a new law
c) species
d) of time
e) for my help
f) plastic

1. The Parliament ______, the country is discussing it.
2. I think it’s very important to _____ and paper.
3. _____ of plants and animals have a better chance to survive.
4. Nobody thinks that reading books is a _____.
5. We should _____ if we want our planet to have a future.
6. Mr Pitts gave me some money in ____.

TASK 4. Вставьте в предложения соответствующие возвратные местоимения там, где это возможно.

1. Ben and Jerry always clean their rooms _____.
2. How is Mary today? – She says she feels ____ much better.
3. He lived in a small house all by _____.
4. I dressed _____ and quickly ran out of the house.
5. Soon we found _____ in a narrow street near the town centre.

TASK 5. Выберите и выпишите соответствующее время в скобках.
1. Dora (to want) to have a dog for several years.
2. Jerry (to learn) to paint since last summer.
3. The friends (to want) to see the Great Lakes for years.
4. Billy (to know) that he’d like to be a doctor since he was 5 years old.

TASK 6. Используйте суффикс –ment или префикс dis-, чтобы образовать новые слова. Впишите их в предложения.
1. We saw some___________ on the other side of the road. MOVE
2. At first I ___________my friend’s words, but then I saw that he was right. BELIEVE
3. What do you know about the ___________ of living in a tent? COMFORT
4. All this snow will soon ___________, spring is coming. APPEAR
5. Walking, swimming, and running can give us great ___________. ENJOY
6. Nobody likes ___________ people because we can’t rely on them. HONEST

TASK 7. Впишите соответствующие служебные слова из рамок в эти предложения.
up 1. We all waited for the plane to take _____.
2. When my brother was 18, he took _____ horse-riding.
3. The story was long and the child didn’t take half of it _____.
4. If you take the new words _____, you’ll remember them better.

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Ответы на вопрос:

The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world by area. 2. Its total area is over 17 million square kilometers. 3. Russia borders on many countries. 4. The terrain on the territory of the Russian Federation is diverse: lowlands and highlands, forests and wide pastures, many rivers and lakes. 5.There are different climatic zones in Russia. 6. Many numerical natural resources include large deposits of gas, coal, iron ore. 7. The population of Russia is over 150 million people. 8. The European part of the country is densely populated. 9. Most people (about 70 percent) prefer to live in large and small cities. 10. The official language in the country is Russian. 11. The capital of Russia is a city. 12. Moscow is an ancient and very beautiful political center of the country. 13. The head of State is the President, and the head of Government is the Prime Minister. 14. The Russian flag was adopted in 1991. 15. In addition to the Russian flag, there is another national symbol of Russia-the double-headed eagle


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