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3. Choose the correct word:
1. Are there any/some oranges left?
2. How much/many soup is there in the bowl?
3. There isn’t many/any cheese in the fridge.
4. There are much/many dairy products to choose them.
5. We’ve got a little/a few shops here.
6. I have any/some biscuits in my bag.
7. There aren’t much/any onions.
8. There is a few/a little sugar left.
9. There are a lot of/much bananas on the table.
10. I’ve got a few/a little apples here.

4. Complete the sentences with: peel, stir, boil, bake, put.
1. ______eggs for two minutes.
2. ______ the mixture into 10 muffin cups.
3. In a bowl, _______all the ingredients together.
4. ______ the apples and put them in the bowl.
5. ______ a cake for 30 minutes.

5. Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple, present continuous or past simple.

My mum usually 1).________(cook) for the family, but today is her birthday, so I 2)._________(make) a special dish for the family. Yesterday mum 3).__________(bake) fish and today I 4)._________(want) to make grilled chicken. My little sister 5). ____________(prepare) burgers for a snack. We’re happy!
6. Read the advertisement for a restaurant and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
At the Bombay Palace, the food is great and the prices are fantastic. A meal for two costs about £40.Are you tired of going to the same restaurant all the time? Well, come visit us at the Bombay Palace on Willow Avenue. The Bombay Palace is an Indian restaurant with a difference! The Palace's starters are the best in town. Try the hot spicy soup or the chef's salad. For your main course, choose between the beef curry with rice or the Punjab baked chicken with vegetables. But save room for dessert! How about apple pie? No? Then why not try the fruit salad? The Bombay Palace is open Monday to Saturday from 7pm to 12pm.

1. The Bombay Palace is an Indian restaurant. ____
2. You can have salad for a starter. ____
3. The chicken comes with rice. ____
4. There is only one kind of dessert. ____
5. A meal for two costs more than £50. ____
6. The Bombay Palace is not open on Sundays. ____

4. There is only one kind of dessert. ____
5. A meal for two costs more than £50. ____
6. The Bombay Palace is not open on Sundays. ____

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)some 2)many 3)any 4)much 5)a few 6)any 7)any 8)a few 9) much 10) a little

1.geograhy 2.hallowen 3.disneyland 4.monopoly 5.christmas 6.the emerald isle

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