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He entered_ Stanford University.
| don’t like fast food, that’s why | don’t eat at_ McDonald's.
We visited_ Uspensky Cathedral.
You must visit_ St Paul’s Cathedral in London.
We visited_ Buckingham Palace.
_Great Wall of China is more than twenty kilometers long. Have you
been to_ Museum of Modern Art in New York?
Last week | was in_ Manchester Cathedral.
We met Peter Smith in_ Trafalgar Square, near___ National Gallery.
_English painter Thomas Gainsborough painted beautiful pictures.

10.Capability Brown,_ famous garden designer, designed wonderful

gardens and parks in England.

11.Rudyard Kipling,_ English writer, wrote many books for children.


_Scottish engineer Alexander Bell invented telephone.

13.Norman Foster,_ most famous British architect, has designed a lot of

buildings which you can see all over the world

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. I'll have to sell the car one of these days. It keeps breaking down. 2. You mustn't shout at children. 3. The bell had gone and I had to answer the question. 4. “You mustn't cross the road alone”, the mother said to the child. 5. The guide is to meet the group and take them to the hotel yesterday. 6. The children didn’t understand the rule and the teacher had to explain it again. 7. The babysitter was ill and Ellen had to look after the child herself. 8. I had to take the umbrella because the forecast was bad. 9. Susan says I must drive her to the station. She thinks it’s my duty. 10. I didn’t know I was to work extra hours. We hadn’t agreed on that. 11. “When must I return the book? – Steve asked the librarian. 12. I had to interrupt the speaker because I didn’t get the point. 13. I know I must do the work myself. It’s my duty. 14. As we had agreed I was to meet him at 7.

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