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III.Переведите на английский язык. Используйте времена Present ,Past,
Future Simple или Continuous.
1. Я ездил на рыбалку летом.
2. Я хожу по магазинам очень часто.
3. Моя сестра посетит музей завтра.
4. Я звоню другу сейчас.
5. Моя сестра не покупала сувениры в году.
6. Ты играешь в футбол сейчас?
7. Завтра в это время я буду делать домашнее задание.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Lois: who knows? she's always (annoyed) about something. m.: i know. i try to understand her, but this time i'm really (puzzled). l.: really? what's so (puzzling) this time? m.: i thought she was happy. she met an (interesting) guy last week. l.: that's nice. was she (interested) in him? m.: i thought she was. she said they saw a (fascinating) movie together. l.: well. maybe she was (fascinated) by the movie but (disappointed) with the guy. m.: i don't know. it's hard to tell with alice. her moods are always very (surprising). l.: i'm not (surprised / surprising) at all. that's just the way she is.

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