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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i shouted at them and they ran away.  2. what's the best film you have ever seen?   3. simon is not at home. he has gone to a football match. 4.  it was such a wonderful performance that we applauded for fifteen minutes.  (это по условию )  it was such a wonderful performance that we had been  applauding for fifteen minutes. (это правильнее)) 5. why do you look so sad? has anything happened? 6. jaime lives in venezuela; he has never seen snow.  7. i didn`t wake at 7 o'clock yesterday, because my mother wasn`t at home. 8. has anyone seen my dictionary? i can't find it.  9. a lot of rain fell last week.  10. when i got home late yesterday evening my dad was very angry.  11. i have known helen for 10 years. we studied at university together. she was one of the best students.  12. alexander fleming invented penicillin in 1928.  13. the house they have bought looks much larger than ours.  14. i have ordered a taxi to take me to the airport. so we'll be on time.  15. you have cut your finger! how did it happen!   16. peter hasn`t eaten all the bread and butter, he left some on the plate.  17. he has been interested in jazz ever since he left school.  18. we had a lovely time in wales. - so you enjoyed your holiday, didn't you?   19. i used to like swimming but i don't now.  20. i have never seen so many beautiful girls as here at the party. 21. my elder brother has had a car for two years already. he bought it in france. 22. has jane recovered yet? - no, she is still in hospital. 23. my watch has stopped. i must take it to the watchmaker's.  24. shakespeare was born in 1564 and died in 1616.  25. we have run out of sugar. can you go and get some from the shop? 26. my brother is an actor. he has already appeared in several films. 27. what did your father give you for your last birthday?   28. have you seen tom? - yes, i talked with him an hour ago. 29. are you the boy whose dog made a terrible noise at night? - i'm sorry, but you are mistaken, sir. i have never owned a dog. 30. what has happened there? - the dog bit the boy when he entered the garden.

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