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1. We had such a terrible weather that we left the hotel in the country (we did not have heating there) and took an accommodation with a fire place in town instead.

2. Yesterday I got a permission to go there. What about you? Have you got your permits?

3.1 love French impressionists but I would need an advice from a specialist before I bought any. My knowledges in that area are very poor.

4. Her works are definitely making great progresses these days. She has done a lot of researches lately.

5. Have you heard that Jack's lodging is in London, but in the outskirt of the city? These are interesting news, aren't they?

6. The police is looking for the criminals who escaped last night. The informations about them were sent to all the police stations of the district.

7. Political and economic crises is frequent for Africa.

8. How many luggages are you taking? Oh, I think you won't be able to cope with them. You'll have to hire a porter.

9. Last week was awful for her. She had two teeth pulled out, her childs got ill and finally her husband lost moneys.

10. The tights is too loose for her.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Last week was awful for her.She had two teeth pulled out,her childs got ill and finally her husband lost moneys.

The tights is too loose for her.

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Ялетний цветок .я голубой колокольчик .я синий,подобно небу,а мое платье похоже на  колокол.

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