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Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в
конце строк так, чтобы они лексически соответствовали
содержанию предложения. Заполните пропуски полученными
1. Little children are always full of ____________________________.
2. The ____________________ made a great impression on us.
3. I’ll discuss the ________________of the problem with my partner.
4. Love is a wonderful ______________________ . FEEL
5. Most international ___________________ have to know English.
6. 80% of all _________________ in the world computers is in English.
7. The nearest zebra _________________ is over there. CROSS
8. The _______________________ should take immediate measures.
9. The _________________ will take place in an hour. MEET
10. Do you believe in _______________________? SUPERSTITIOUS

II. Open the brackets, use the right form of the verbs: (Pr. Simple,
Pr, Progressive, Past Simple or Pr. Perfect, Future Simple).
Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные в скобках так, чтобы они

грамматически соответствовали содержанию предложения.
Заполните пропуски полученными словами.
1. He (to meet) ……………………… her every day.
2. Sam …………………………(not to finish) school yet.
3. Listen! Bob (to speak) …………………………………… now.
4. They always (to celebrate) ……………………………… Mother’s Day.
5. I think they (to have) ……………………………………… a test next week.
6. She usually (to do) …………………………………………… her homework at 4 o’clock.
7. They (to have) ………………………………………… breakfast now.
8. They ………… already …………( to be) to the USA.
9. They ……………………(to be) there last year.
10. ……… he ever ………… (to see) Big Ben?

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Ответы на вопрос:



april 25, 2013

dear kate,

    thanks a lot for your last letter. it was great to hear from you. sorry i haven't written for so long as i was busy.

      in your last letter you asked me some question. well, i always feel nervous before the exam. i try to be calm and attentive. it helps me to be self-confident. i think reading is the best way to prepare for exams. but in russia we have a very interesting tradition. before the exam we put the book under the pillow and it works.

      well, i'd better go now as i have a lot of homework to do. write me back.

best wishes,



обычно в письме просят задать вопросы. если нужны вопросы то пиши их после второго абзаца:

    by the way, what exams do you want to pass? is it difficult to you to prepere for them? what do you want to do after the exams? tell me everything.

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