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Выполни письменно задание. Откройте скобке и используйте глагол в нужной форме. Переведите предложения.
She wishes she (to see) him at yesterday's party.
I wish I (to pass) my driving test last Monday.
I wish I (not to forget) my friend's birthday yesterday.
My aunt wishes she (to stay) at home last weekend.
He wishes he (to know) something about cars.
I wish it (to be) sunny during our picnic last Saturday.
She wishes she (to live) in the Crimea.
My friend wishes he (not to do) that last night.
I wish I (can) tell the future.
Do you wish you (to be) in the Guinness Book of Records?
She often wishes things (to be) different.

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Ответы на вопрос:

do yoga, karate, judo, ballet

He is going to the cinema.

We are watching a nice movie.

Популярно: Английский язык