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1. black 2. clubs 3. combination 4. art 5. jazz 6. only 7. they
8. different 9. especially 10. created 11. songs
Americans have contributed to many ... forms, but jazz, a type of
music, is the ... art form that was ... in the United States. Jazz was
created by.... Americans. Jazz is a mixture of ... kinds of music. It is a ...
of the music of West Africa, the work ... the slaves sang, and religious
music. ... bands formed in the late 1800s. ... played in bars and ... in
many towns and cities of the South, ... New Orleans.

1. people 2. most 3. affects 4. broadcast 5. good 6. since
7. television 8. to avoid 9. world 10. reflection 11. over
The first commercial television ... was made on April 20. 1939 by
Radio Corporation of America. ... 1939 it has become one of the im-
portant facts of modern life. ... is very much a part of modern ... Its et
fects are felt all ... the world. Television is a ... of modern world, say
some .... It shows contemporary society. It ... customs and culture, oth-
ers say. ... or bad, television is difficult ... It is here to stay!

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