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Ground-Hog Day is an American tradition that supposedly predicts when spring

will arrive. According _____ legend, the ground hog, also called the woodchuck,

awakens ________ its winter sleep ______ February 2 and emerges _______ its

burrow. If the sun is shining that day and the ground hog sees its own shadow, it will be scared back _____ its den, and there will be six more weeks ________

winter. But if it is cloudy and the ground hog does not see its shadow, it will come

out, and spring will arrive soon.

For hundreds _____ years, European farmers had similar traditions that involved

bears, badgers, and other animals. Germans who settled _____ Pennsylvania

brought the custom _______ America. The ground hog, which is plentiful _______

the Eastern and Midwestern United States, became linked _____ the custom.

Today, Ground-Hog Day is treated largely as a joke. But the custom is partly based

________ ancient and traditional weather signs. People have long looked

________ the awakening ________ hibernating animals as one of the first signs

______ spring.

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1 pear

2 to serve

3 dark

4 walnut


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