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Writing Comprehension. I. Give Ukrainian equivalent of the words.
1. fair
2. sensitive
3. polite
4. a destruction
5. species
6. to stretch
7. urban
8. habitat
9. vegetation

II. Match the words (1-9) with their definitions (a-i).
1. a personality
2. unique
3. attractiveness
4. the environment
5. shortage
6. natural resources
7. to clear smth away
8. a wildlife
9. to predict
a) animals and plants growing in natural conditions
b) lack of smth., poorness
c) to make free of rubbish
d) pleasant to look at
e) the complex of factors act on an ecological community and people
f) to say that something will happen before it happens
g) mineral deposits and waterpower supplied by nature
h) the distinctive character of a person that makes him or her socially attractive
i) the only one of its kind; very remarkable or unusual

III. A. Choose the correct item to complete the sentences: which or where, that or what.
B. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form and voice.
1. That/What they told us about came as a surprise to us all.
2. Everything that/what they had promised to me was done.
3. The research centre which/where different species of plants and animals are studied is not far from here.
4. Is this the place which/where we’re supposed to have a discussion about?
5. This wonderful waterfall ……. (to admire) by holidaymakers.
6. What species of animals …….. (to include) into the Red Book now?
7. A new brochure about this Nature Reserve …….. (to publish) today.
8. More and more buildings ……. (to build) on the agricultural land.

IV. Choose one task:
· Write your autobiography (the main dates). (10-12 sentences)
· Make a short report about the environment issues in Ukraine. (10-12 sentences)

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Моего друга зовут алексей и ему 17 лет. наша дружба крепкая и мы всегда друг другу. у нас совпадает много интересов с алексеем. мы оба любим играть в компьютерные игры, часто собираемся вместе, чтобы опробовать новую игру. также, я разделяю его увлечение футболом. мы болеем за одну и ту же команду, смотрим футбольные матчи и совместно празднуем победу нашей команды. но мы любим не только смотреть футбол, а и играть в него. надеюсь, в будущем мы так же будем играть, а возможно и в профессиональном футболе. помимо футбола алексей увлекается боксом, его любимый боксер (напишешь тут имя). алексей часто зовёт меня посмотреть вместе с ним бокс, и когда у меня есть свободное время, я с радостью соглашаюсь. мы дружим уже довольно долго. с алексеем никогда не бывает скучно, потому что он всегда шутит смешно. но он также может поддержать меня в трудную минуту, за что я ему . алексей добрый и хороший человек, и я горд, что нашёл себе такого друга! my friend's name is alexey and he is 17 years old. our friendship is very strong and we always help each other. we have a lot of same interests with alexey. we both like to play computer games, we often hang out to try new games together. i also share with him his interest to play football. we are rooting for the same team, watching football games and celebrate the victory together. but we also like to play football, not just watching it. i hope we will play football in future, maybe even professional. besides football alexey is also keen on boxing, his favorite boxer is (имя боксера). alexey often calls me to watch boxing matches with him, and when i have a free tima, of course i will agree. we have been friends for quite a long time. i will never be bored with alexey becouse his jokes are very funny. but he also can support me in difficult times, and i'm very thankful to him becouse of it. alexey is very kind and good person and i'm so proud that i found such a friend!

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