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Заверши предложения спортом из таблицы .

windsurfing baseball bowling judo skateboarding cycling

0 I really want to go skateboarding at the new park in our town.

1 I often go__________ on the sea with my family.

2 We went __________last weekend, and I fell off my bike!

3 My brothers both play __________with their friends every week, and they’re in the school team.

4 My sister does__________ in the sports hall. She wears a special jacket and trousers.

5 Ben went__________ with his friends at the alley in town yesterday.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. windsurfing

2. cycling

3. baseball

4. judo

5. skateboarding

хороших оценок)

2.Jamie's mobile is red.

3.Your glasses are green.

4.Zoe's bag is white.

5.My father's umbrella is black.

6.Their car is yellow.

7.Her coat is orange.

8.His watch is brown.

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