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Диагностическая работа по английскому языку для 4 класса


1. Впиши пропущенные слова.

pupil, , speak, friends, read, games, lessons

My name is Vic. I live in Paris. I am a ____________. I have four or five ________ every day. I like to_______________. I can _________English well. I have many_______ at school. We play ____________in the playroom. I have a good time at school.

2. Подбери по три прилагательных к каждому существительному.

comfortable, computer, dirty, windy, strong, beautiful, new, rainy ,sunny, funny, old

1. ___________ ______________ ______________ season

2. ___________ _______________ ______________ boy

3. ____________ _______________ ______________ room


1. Прочитай рассказ и выполни задания:

I have a friend. He is Pedro. He is thirteen. He is from Spain. He likes riding a bike in summer and playing hockey in winter. He is strong. His fаvourite animals are horses and hares. He can play ping-pong very well. He is going to be a pilot.

1. I have …

a) a friend b) a cat c) a sister

2.His name is …

b) Pedro b) Ann c) Mike

3. He likes … in winter .

a) skating b) playing hockey c) skiing

4.His favourite animals are …

b) dogs and cats b) hares and horses c) dogs and hares

5. He is going to be …

a) pilot b) a singer c) a teacher


1. Составь во предложения.

1. you how are?


2. she dance will tomorrow?


3. is from he where?


4. in summer you do swim?


5. happy are why they ?


2. Прочитай предложения и вставь is или are.

1. There _____ a bench in in the park.

2. There _____ beautiful flowers in the garden.

3. _____ there a zoo in the town?

4. There _____ a cow and a horse on the picture.

5. _____ there many toys in the shop?

3. Выбери и обведи нужное слово в скобках

1. (Was / Were) you in Moscow last year?

2. This bear is (the strongest \ stronger) than that bear.

3. Mary (go / goes) to her granny every weak.

4. Where (do/does) Sam listen to music?

5. I (was/were) in the park yesterday.

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Ответы на вопрос:

  мне кажется что тебе стоит поговорить с ней. ведь вы дружили на протяжении многих лет и я думаю что если ты извинишься первой то   она тебя поймёт ,и вы снова станете лучшими друзьями как и прежде. я тоже когда то сорилась с подругой из за мелочей ,но я делала первый шаг и она меня прощала, и мы снова дружили как и прежде. it seems to me that you should talk to her. after all, you have been friends for many years and i think that if you apologize first then she will understand you, and you will again become best friends as before. i, too, once sorilas with a friend because of some little things, but i took the first step and she understood me and forgave. my friend and i often remember our petty quarrels and laugh at them, not understanding why we quarreled then.

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