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Ответы на вопрос:

Рассказую о Острове Хортица в Запорожье!

По английски:

I want to invite you to visit the island of Khortytsya in Ukraine. This island is filled with the history of Zaporozhye! There you will see the houses of the Cossacks and many statues! Every Ukrainian should take a walk around this attraction! You can also buy a mace there and much more!

По русски:

Хочу предложить тебе посетить остров хортица в украине.Этот остров наполнен историей запорожья!Там ты увидешь дома козаков и много статуй!Каждый украинец должен прогуляться по этой достопримечательности!Так же ты можешь купить там булаву и много другого!

Bali is a very popular island. Many people travel there. There is a beautiful sea. There are also beautiful tropics in Bali.


he isn't playing chess now.

she isn't going to the cinema now.

they aren't singing

we aren't reading books now

Популярно: Английский язык