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Task 2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets using the First Conditional.

Example: If you sell your bike, you’ ll get a lot of money. (sell, get)

1. If they late, we the film. (arrive, miss)

2. I angry if Emily for me. (be, not wait)

3. If you down, we . (not slow down, crash)

4. Ted silly if he that hat. (look, wear)

5. If Jack the book, I it to him. (need, lend)

6. If you that watch, we you a new one. (lose, not buy)

7. Lucy the race if she harder.(not win, not train)

8. They you if you to them like that. (not help, talk)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. If they arrive late, we will miss the film.

2. I will be angry if Emily doesn't wait for me.

3. If you don't slow down, we will crash.

4. Ted will look silly if he wears that hat.

5. If Jack needs the book, I will lend it to him.

6. If you lose that watch, we will not buy you a new one.

7. Lucy will lose the race if she doesn't train harder.

8. They will not help you if you talk to them like that.

1. nicholas saw that anna writes something2. it is not heard , as i entered the room  3.i had not heard what they were talking4.you ever hear how she sings? one noticed how the father left the room  6.you noticed that they laugh ? 7. have you noticed that he was gone? 8. he heard on the street cries a child  9. 't make it to rewrite the exercisemom does not allow us to come home after ten.дх

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