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Task I. Match the words to form phrases .
1 put A a hot cup of tea
2 drink B plenty of fluids
3 take C some rest
4 get D a painkiller
5 have E a cold pack on your forehead
Task II . Fill in: sore, stomachache, valuable, toothache, fever, argue, hurt
6 Can I have some honey, please? My throat is .. . 7 Loosing something ...
is the most stressful. 8 I have a high ... . I think I am coming down with the
flue. 9 John has ... his back and has to rest. 10 Polly didn’t go to school
today as she had a ... . 11 When you have a ... you have to go to the dentist.
12 I am not going to ... with you.
Task III . Underline should or shouldn’t.
13 I should/shouldn’t spend too much time in front of TV.
14 You should/shouldn’t take your raincoat. It’s going to rain.
15 We should/shouldn’t get enough sleep to get fit.
16 You should/shouldn’t argue with your friends.
17 They should/shouldn’t wear their sunglasses or they will get sore eyes.
Task IV . Fill in the gaps with apart, behind or out .
18 Tim has fallen ... with Sam because he broke his MP3 player.
19 She fell … with her schoolwork when she was ill.
20 The bookcase fell ... as soon as we placed some books on it.
Task V. Write the correct reflexive pronoun in the gap.
21 Did you hurt ... badly in the accident? 22 I made the meal ...
23 We don’t need any help. We are going to do it ... . 24 He usually goes to
the gym by … . 25 The computer switched off by ...

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Ответы на вопрос:

The browns are not at home. брауны не дома. they have just left the house. они только что ушли из дома. when the phone rang, they were having dinner. когда зазвонил телефон, они обедали. we had translated the letter by 6 o'clock yesterday. мы перевели письмо в 6 часам вчера. she is going to england next month. она едет в в следующем месяце. they visited this museum last year. они ходили в этот музей в прошлом году.2. she is doing her homework. we have our english lesson in the evening. he is putting on his rain-coat. i often do my homework with my friend. this lady’s surname is smith. what’s her first name? please sit down. is it your document?   they do their morning exercises in the open air. this table is too small. what’s its length?

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