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Philip’s morning
Philip (to be) a student. He (to study) English. He (to get) up at 7 o’clock and (to go) to the bathroom. In the bathroom he (to wash) his face and (to clean) his teeth. Then he (to dress). He (to put) on his shirt and jeans. At 8 o’clock he (to go) to the kitchen. He (to have) breakfast. For breakfast he (to have) tea, bread and butter and bacon and eggs. After breakfast he (to take) his bag and (to go) to his college. He (to get) there by bus. His classes (to begin) at 9 o’clock.
1. Переписать предложения, раскрывая скобки и ставя глагол в нужную форму в Present Simple. (см. разбор выше)
2. Перевести предложения.

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Phillip is a student. He studied English. He gets up at 7 o’clock and washes his face and cleans his teeth. Then he dresses. He puts on his shirt and jeans. Ay 8 o’clock he goes to the kitchen. He has breakfast. For the breakfast he has tea,bread and butter and bacon and eggs. After the breakfast he takes his bag and goes to the college. He gets there by bus. His classes begin at 9 o’clock.
Филипп студент. Он учит английский. он в 07 часов и идёт в ванную комнату. В ванной комнате он моет его лицо и чистит его зубы. Потом он одевается. Он надевает его рубашку и джинсы. В 8 часов он идёт на кухню. Он завтракает. На завтрак у него чай,хлеб,масло, бекон и яйца. После завтрака он берет его рюкзак и идёт в его колледж. Он добирается туда автобусом. Его классы начинаются в 9 часов.

Philip is a student. He studies english. He gets up at 7o'clock  and goes to the bathroom. In the bathroom he washes his face and cleans his teeth. Then he gets dressed. He puts on his shirt and jeans. At 8o'clock he goes to the kitchen. He has breakfast. For breakfast he has tea, bread and butter and bacon and eggs. After breakfast he takes his bag and goes to his college. He gets there by bus. His classes begin at 9o'clock.


Филипп студент. Он изучает английский. Он встает в 7 утра и идет в ванную. В ванной он моет лицо и чистит зубы. Затем, он одевается. Он надевает рубашку и джинсы. В 8 утра он идет на кухню. Он завтракает. На завтрак у него чай, хлеб с маслом, бекон и яйца. После завтрака он берет свой портфель и идет в колледж. Он добирается туда на автобусе. Его занятия начинаются в 9 утра

1.   dental   students receive their education in specialized dental   schools.  2.   in russia a training course for certified dental   students lasts five  academic years. 3. apart from general medical disciplines, the four principal divisions of  dentistry recognized  in curricula in russia. 4.   entry to a dentistry department depends on the results of competitive examinations. 5.   for hundreds of years people believed that tooth decay caused by a worm in the teeth. 6. short courses are offered  regularly to dentists to keep them informed  of the new developments in dentistry. 7 .   dentistry is considered  well-paid and secure employment in great   britain. 8.   study of basic medical   and dental   subjects are interconnected  closely  with clinical dentistry. 9.   anatomy , biochemistry and physiology are studied  at medical   universities. 10.   before starting to work with patients in clinics, students are tought  the techniques on phantom heads. 11.   doctors are looking  for new ways to help patients. 12.   medical   science made a lot of progress in recent years both  in treatment and diagnosis. 13.   many simple measures are taken  to prevent dental   diseases. 1 4.   preventive care aims at the two major tooth troubles:   caries and  gum diseases. 15.   preventive orthodontics is  another aspect of early treatment.

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