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a) Кислотные дожди, снег с дождем, полярные регионы , пожертвование, пустыня, леса, заболоченные территории, тропические леса, быть в опасности, окружающая среда, кислород, загрязненные облака, оседать(приземляться), вредный, выбрасывать(выделять); сажать цветы, лопата, лейка, молоток и гвозди, строить скворечники.
b) С одной стороны; важная роль, виды животных, находящихся под угрозой исчезновения; в дополнение; более того; с другой стороны; определенные недостатки; аргументы за и против; подводя итоги; однако.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Acid rain, snow with rain, polar regions, donation, desert, forests, wetlands, rainforests, be in danger, the environment, oxygen, polluted clouds, settle (land), harmful, throw away (emit); plant flowers, a shovel, a watering can, a hammer and nails, build birdhouses.

One side; important role, endangered animal species; in addition; Moreover; on the other hand; certain disadvantages; points for and against; summing up; However.


Acid rain, snow and rain, polar regions, the elderly, desert, forest, wetlands, rainforests, the environment, oxygen, polluted clouds, settle (land), harmful, dispose of (excrete); plant flowers, a shovel, a watering can, a hammer and nails, build birdhouses.


One side; important role, endangered animal species; in addition; Moreover; on the other hand; certain disadvantages; points for and against; summing up; However.


a. john and carol haven't watched the cartoons yet.

b. they have finished their test.

c. have they done their english homework ?

d. how long has your mom worked in microsoft?

e. i have sewn soft toys, but i havent done the shopping for elderly people yet.

f. my father has just washed the car.

2. put the verbs in the correct tense.

1. they went to the sport club 5 days ago

2. we have already written the test.

3. my sister has done her homework today.

4. i played, danced, sang on the party yesterday

5. my pet has just ate meat.


1. mike has drunk a glass of milk

2. they have come already

3. the plane hass arrived.

4. mary has cleaned her teeth

5. i have washed my socks


1. i played computer games yesterday

2. i was playing computer games at five o'clock   yesterday

3. he was playing computer games from two to three yesterday

4. we were playing computer games the whole evening yesterday

5. what was nick doing when you came to his place?

6. what were you doing when i rang you up?

7. i wasnt sleeping at nine o'clock yesterday


1. i went to the cinema yesterday.

2. i was going to the cinema at four oclock yesterday

3. i was going to the cinema when you met me

4. i was doing my homework the whole evening yesterday

5. i was doing my homework when mother came home

6. i did my homework yesterday

7. i was doing my homework from five till eight yesterday

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