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1 I know him very well. We ------- friends for more than 10 years.
a) have been b) have been being
2 Sam ------- a new car.
a) has bought b) has been buying
3 You ----- for 2 hours. You need a rest.
a) have read b) have been reading
4 Mother ------- lunch. Let’s sit down to table.
a) has cooked b) has been cooking
5 I have been working for 4 hours and -------only a half.
a) have done b) have been doing
6 Where ----you----all this time?
a) have been b) have been being
7 You are all dirty! -------you ------ football again?
a) Have played b) Have been playing
8 He------ in Moscow for 20 years.
a) has lived b) has been living
9 What ---you----- for today?
a) have prepared b) have been preparing.
10 He ------ the TV-set for 3 hours and hasn’t finished yet.
a) has repaired b) has been repairing
11 I’m so glad to see you! I ------- you for ages!
a) haven’t seen b) haven’t been seeing
12 The English Queen ------ the country for a long time.
a) has ruled b) has been ruling
13 People ------------ our planet since the early times.
a) have polluted b) have been polluting
14 Mr. Jacobs -------this factory for 15 years.
a) has owned b) has been owning
15 She ------- French since she was 10.
a) has studied b) has been studying

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Ответы на вопрос:

Yes, he does. no, he doesn't.

Популярно: Английский язык