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Ссылка на аудио для 2 здания делать от 1 по 5 https://e.edim.co/169935452/rDxAoeHUAb8ypCB9.mp3?response-content-disposition=filename%3D%222_41.mp3%22%3B%20filename%2A%3DUTF-8%27%272_41.mp3&Expires=1588939706&Signature=gjuxCuBMrvTpeb27X0w1OF95~smhvQdhmo8~A3qwrQkzsh50-e5BGn~sLI-sfx76JfFUMaCK-YQUfHAZuz-P65ywc~3lBMndYg6P-2BdPe7a8fgKqiwRTDrwued7rL5TREGhZkf3vc5auBeyeR4-tvgcXMmFgRDsoW54l3LPQF~5CNk7tBKBd8qUvRk4MROq-KS~xIKy1kzITmTrRvTKHDiLrGyI2UZmvZ5pAGFzqD9LsoHGHo1DEqop2jg0fbcY6jVVtfdWx0iQW4BRMVDVPWfRevO3X9oo4d2yGkhux-Tq4jR6oLsovqmOMErsh0obNa~gpuDIp8LzpkIKvIxP5w__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJMSU6JYPN6FG5PBQ

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Ответы на вопрос:

What 1__would you __do_(do) if you found

an envelope full of money in the street? 2_Would__you__take_(take) it to the police station?Or3__would_you__keep_(keep) it and buy yourself something you really wanted?4_Would__you _buy__(buy) your mum and dad a present? If you5_bought__(buy) them a present they 6_would want__(want) to know where you got the money from. If you 7_told__(tell) them the truth maybe they 8_would not be__(not be) so happy. And if you

9_didn't tell__(not tell) them the truth, you_would feel__10(feel) really

bad. You know what, I hope I never find an envelope

full of money in the street!

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