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Проверочная работа № 1

Вариант 1

Use the correct form of the gerund.

1. I like (to invite) by my friends.
2. My aunt finished (to cook) dinner.
3. Tom suggested (to go) outside.
4. My brother didn’t mind ( to pay) a visit.
5. We enjoy (to play) the guitars.

Вариант 2

Put the verb in brackets into the correct form.

1. We decided (to move) to a different area.
2. I'd like (to go) to the bank early in the morning.
3. It will (to rain) this afternoon.
4. I'm looking forward to (to see) them again after so many years.
5. I didn't mean ……………….( to hurt) you.

Проверочная работа № 2

Вариант 1

Use gerund or infinitive. Remember the difference in the meaning of the verb with gerund and infinitive.
1. Helen needs (to know) French frequently if she wants to work there.
2. The doctor advised (to use) more vegetables in the diet.
3. John regretted (to write) these rude letters to her.
4. Nick often forgets (to call) his granny
5. He’ll remember (to meet) them in Paris last Monday.

Вариант 2

Use gerund or infinitive. Remember the difference in the meaning of the verb with gerund and infinitive.
1. Jane doesn’t mean (to push) you again.
2. I’ll try (to learn) by heart the poem using new method.
3. George likes (to iron) linen as soon as possible.
4. The car requires (to repair) immediately.
5. The doctor recommended me (to eat) more fruits.

Проверочная работа № 3
Вариант 1
Use the right form of the verb in the conditionals.

1. You’re a brilliant cook! If I _____ (can ) cook as well as you, I _____ (open) a restaurant.
2. If judicial decree (to entrust) the other party to organize winging-up next month, our company (to take) charge of accounts.
3. They (to pay) off all creditors if they (to submit) contracts to the board of directors last month.
4. If general partners (to file) an amended certificate, our limited partnership (to continue) working.
5. I haven’t been to Beijing. I wish I _____ (be) to Beijing.

Вариант 2
Use the right form of the verb in the conditionals.

1. If you _____ (have) any problems, let me know and I _____ (come) and help you straight away
2. If he (to discharge) his fiduciary duties well, the partnership (to work) well too. But he isn’t very honest as I know.
3. If Mr. L (to take) personal advantage of our firm last 2 years, they (to find) evidences in the financial documents.
4. If he ____ (study) hard last term, he ____(not fail) the exams.
5. If Mr. K (to submit) accounts to us, we (to make) new accounting.

Проверочная работа № 4
Вариант 1
Use the right form of the verb in the passive voice.
1. He noticed that the room ______ (clean) recently.
2. I am sure I (to ask) at the lesson tomorrow.
3. He said that Grandmother's letter (to receive) the day before.
4. The answer to this question can (to find) in the encyclopedia.
5. Many interesting games always (to play) at our PT lessons.

Вариант 2
Use the wright form of the modals.
1. If you don’t feel better you _____ go to bed.
A) ought B) should C) don’t have to D) needn’t
2. You _____ go near that dog! It’s very dangerous.
3. Helen has no friends. She ____ be very lonely.
4. Не may have written the letter, but the signature is certainly not his.
5. Where is Helen? – She ___ be at the library. She often goes there on Mondays.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Каждые четыре года во всём мире проходят олимпийские игры. наша страна не исключение. как только игры начинаются мы всей семьей болеем за нашу команду и так же переживаем за ее промахи. в нашей стране, символом олимпийских игр является олимпийский мишка. люди еще с древности участвовали в играх, спортсмены ценились во все времена. каждый человек, как и я когда-либо хотел так же быть спортсменом на олимпийских играх, но я понимаю что быть спортсменом это большая нагрузка и ответственность. олимпийские игры это огромная ответственность. мы должны поддерживать наших спортсменов.

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