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1. Вставте модальні дієслова can, may, must. 1. I have forgotten my own language and ___ speak nothing but yours. 2. We ___ go somewhere. We ___ not wander about for ever. 3. But I think you ___ have told us this half an hour ago! 4. You ___ see much of interest there. 5. I did not hear him return to the room. I ___ have been asleep. 6. You _ have mistaken him, my dear. He ___ not have intended to say that. 7. It seemed possible they ___ return. 8. No good looking back; things happen as they ___ . 9. To be ashamed of his own father is perhaps the bitterest experience a young man ___ go through. 10. How ___ you let things slide like that, Dick? 11. I think you __ be glad of some coffee before you start back to your hotel. It's such a cold night.

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I be a doctor

I be a volunteer

I'll be eating GEFILTEH Fisch there.

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