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1Match the words with their descriptions.

1. extinct a. make dirty

2. habitat b. useless material

3. waste c. throw away rubbish

4. pollute d. the natural home of an animal or plant

5. survive e. stay alive, not to die

6. dump f. no longer living

2Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

recycle, nowadays, damaged, saved, law, poured, members

1. ___________ some countries close their nuclear power stations, because they think that such stations are not safe.2. People have learned to ____________waste paper and use it again. 3. The house was on fire but he __________________ the pictures. 4. Nearly all the _____________of the club took part in the dance competition. 5. In every country the police keep __________________ and order. 6. The newspapers write that last night the fire ____________ several buildings. 7. She _______________ the milk into a bowl and left the bowl at the door.

3Choose the appropriate words in brackets to complete these sentences.

1. I want to tell you something but it's (among/between) you and me. 2. She divided the work (among/between) all the pupils in the class. 3. The house stood (among/between) the trees in the middle of the little grove. 4. I quickly took (in/down) her name and address. 5. That day I felt unwell and couldn't take (in/down) what the teacher was saying. 6. The plane took (off/up) for Rome at 9:30. 7. My brother took (up/in) painting only a year ago but he can already paint very well.

Choose the appropriate verb forms to complete the sentences.

1. Jack ________money for a long time; he has enough to buy a new bike.

a) has saved b) has been saving

2. The Smiths _________the farm since the 1950s,

a) have owned b) have been owning

3. Margo ________since she was a little girl. Nowadays she does it professionally.

a) has sung b) has been singing

4. Don ____________to become an ecologist and protect nature.

a) has always wanted b) has always been wanting

5. We __________Russian for many years but we often find the spelling of some Russian words difficult.

a) have learned b) have been learning

6. Becky _________pets, now she has a number of them.

a) has always loved b) has always been loving

7. Come and have tea with us, I _________ a cup for you.

a) have poured b) have been pouring

8. People __________ about the problem of pollution for more than a hundred years.

a) have known b) have been knowing

9. A number of good books ____________ a great influence on me.

a) have had b) have been having

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apartment - квартира

suite - номер (в гостинице) люкс

unit - подразделение/отдел

floor - этаж

state - государство / штат

provinse - провинция

region - регион

postal code - почтовый индекс

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