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Контроль з аудіювання
з предмету «Іноземна мова (англійська)»
6 А класу
Task 1. Listen. Write UK or USA. In some questions both UK and USA are correct.
In which country or countries …
1. are there cottages? _____ ______
2. are there tall buildings? _____ ______
3. are houses next to each other? _____ ______
4. do many people own their houses? _____ ______
5. are there wooden houses? _____ ______
6. are there skyscraper? _____ ______
7. are there terraced houses? _____ ______
8. The people are usully houseproud. _____ ______
9. The people rent houses and flats. _____ ______
10. Gardening and Do-It-Yourself are
the two most popular pastime. _____ ______​

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Напишите короткий рассказ о том дне, который люди должны праздновать, по вашему мнению. как-то так

Популярно: Английский язык