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15 minutes
Task 1. Read the dialogue and answer the questions, Uue no more than 1
WORDS in your answer,
Hello, Mary!
Hello, Anal
- I saw. you run, Long addicted to?
Por 2 years. What kind of sport are you interested in?
I love to play basketball after school,
• Are you in the basketball team of our city?
No, I'm just learning to play.
Do you want me to train with you?
• Yes, that would be great,
- When will we start training?
- Maybe tomorrow after classes in my yard?
- Okey. See you,
- Goodbye,
1 How long does Mary addicted to run?
2. What is the favourite sport of Ann?
3. le Ann in the basketball team?
4. Does Ann want to train with Marry?
5. When will they start training?
Continue listening to complete sentences,
6. What kind of sport are you
7. I'm just learning
8. Maybe tomorrow after classes in_?​

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