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Прочитайте описание ситуации. Что бы вы сказали в этой ситуации?

Используйте could, should, might, ought to, don’t have to, have to,

must или may и Infinitive в соответствующей форме.

1. Mark lied to his teacher and, when she found out, she was very angry. What do you say to him?

2. A student has just come into the class and left the door open. It’s noisy outside. What do you say to him?

3. Your father wants to know where your sister is. You think she is playing football in the garden. What do you say to your father?

4. Your friend failed his exam at college. He hadn’t studied at all. What do you say to him?

5. Your friend always looks tired. You’re sure this is because she doesn’t get enough sleep. What do you say to her?

6. Your friend wants to buy a gift for your birthday. You think it’s not necessary. What do you say to her?

7. Your friend can’t find her mobile phone. You think she left it in the car. What do you say to her?

8. Steve was very rude to Kim and didn’t apologise to her. What do you say to him?

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