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2. Напиши предложения с оборотом to be going to. Переведи на русский язык.
Например: I'm going to swim in the lake ( я собираюсь плавать в озере)
1. She _______________________ to make a cake.
2. He _______________________ to take pictures.
3. We ______________________ to play party games.
4. I ________________________ to watch a video.

3. Составь предложения в будущем времени.
1. They / in the sea/ swim/ will.
2. play/ We/ sports games/ will.
3. will/ many books/ I/ read.
4. to Italy/ He/ will/ travel.

4. Отгадай страну.
1. People eat pizza there.
2. People love football there.
3. We live in this country.
4. People go traveling there. It’s very hot. (несколько вариантов)
5. The flag of this country is white and red.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. his
2. their
3. our
4. her
5. your

Популярно: Английский язык