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Level 2 Choose the correct option. 1 When there is bad weather, trains often go / do / run late. 2 Mass tourism raises / poses / puts a threat to endangered species. 3 The late passenger was willing to pay £ 100 to jump / overtake / miss the queue at the check-in desk. 4 I ran out of petrol and had to hitch / decline / have a lift to the nearest garage. 5 We experienced / caused / approached severe turbulence when we were flying over the Pacific. 6 After Peter got to Tokyo, he couldn't get away / get over / get off his jet lag for a few days. 7 A violent storm over Kyiv caused a delay in our departure and we canceled / caught / missed the connecting flight at Frankfurt. 8 The travel operator with whom my parents booked their holiday went / hit / got bankrupt, so they had to cancel their plans. 9 On our way to the seaside there was an accident which held back / held up / held over the traffic. We got to the beach very late. 10 I can't wait to go on holiday and get off / get away / get in from it all.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.she goes to school every day 2.they were playing football 3.he's been to london twice 1.does she go to school every day? who goes to school every day? what does she do every day? she goes to school every day,doesn't she? does she go to school or to university every day? 2.were they playing football? who were playing football? what were they doing? they were playing football,weren't they? were they playing football or hockey? 3.has he been to london twice? who has been to london twice? how many times has he been to london? he's been to london twice,hasn't he? has he been to london or to new york twice?

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