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I. Соедините слова из первой колонки со словами из второй. Переведите словосочетание. Напишите ПОЛНОСТЬЮ.

1. top

2. managing

3. main

4. solar

5. pocket

6. compost

7. boarding

8. breathtaking

9. coach

10. vegetable

a. heap

b. view

c. peelings

d. potato

e. money

f. school

g. director

h. designers

i. energy

j. course

II. Поставьте глагол в скобках в форму инфинитива или герундия (to+инфинитив либо -ing). Кратко.

1. I don’t remember ever (to say) such things to you.

2. Did you remember (to turn) off the gas-stove before leaving the house?

3. I hope you haven’t forgotten (to promise) me your assistance.

4. Oh dear! I have forgotten (to drop) my letter in the mailbox again.

5. I soon regretted (not to follow) his advice.

6. I regret (to say) that I cannot agree with your view of the situation.

7. Did they teach you (to dance) at school?

8. Who has taught you (to dance) so well?

9. My son hasn’t learned (to read) yet.

10. At an infant school the children learn (to read), (to write) and arithmetic.

III. Поставьте глагол в правильную пассивную форму. ПОЛНОСТЬЮ.

1. A new Xerox (to install) at the office now.

2. The message just (to receive).

3. I (to invite) to a party yesterday.

4. The tourist group (to meet) at the airport next Monday.

5. This contract must (to sign) by the director.

IV. Выберете правильный модальный глагол. Кратко.

1. Don’t make too much noise. You_______________wake the baby.

might - must - should have

2. Everybody wants to see that film. It _________________ be very interesting.

can - must - needn’t

3. You _______________ help me if you don’t want to.

have to - may - don’t have to

4. Why didn’t you participate in the contest? You _______________ won the first prize.

could have - had to - will have

5. They ate all the food in the fridge. They _____________ been very hungry.

can - may have - must have

6. __________________ you help me with Maths please?

May - Will - Shall

7. She is extremely rich. She _________________ go to work.

mustn’t - needn’t - ought not to

8. The boys ___________ play this sort of game. It is dangerous.

mustn’t - couldn’t - won’t

9. You ____________ answer me immediately. Take your time.

shouldn’t have - don’t have to - couldn’t

10. She didn’t come to the meeting. She _______________ forgotten about it.

might have - wouldn’t have - will have

V. Поставьте глаголы через запятую в правильную форму условного наклонения (conditionals). Кратко.

1.You see Tom at work every day, don’t you? If you (see) him tomorrow, (tell) him what has happened.

2. She left the front door open. If she (close) it, the dog (not run) away.

3. Mary’s at Peter’s party. If you (go) there, you (see) her.

4. He always stays at home. If he (go) out more often, he (have) a better social life.

5. I live far away from my school. If I (live) nearer, I (not go) by bus.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) true

2) false

3) false

4) true


6) true



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