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Read the texts below and put the verbs In brackets in the correct form. Sometimes life is full of surprises. If I (1). the advertisement in the newspaper about a short story competition, I (not see) (never discuss) It with my best friend. She was the one (). who encouraged me to take part in it. If I (3) . (not take part) (not win) first prize. The most in the competition, I (4) amazing thing was that the first prize was a trip to Paris. IfI (not take) her advice, I (6) (5) (not have) the chance to visit this magnificent city. B. Last month Nick had a car accident. Fortunately, it wasn'? anything serious. If he (7) seatbelt, he (8) (not wear) his Of course, If he (9) (be) more careful panju Asnouas (a) he (10), (avoid) such an unpleasant Incident. What can I say? He's always been careless.

E. Read the situations and write sentences using Conditional Sentences Type 1. Helen ate too much last night. That's why she felt ill. If Helen. 2. Brian didn't wake up early this morning and arrived late at work. If Brian 3. Dave parked illegally the other day. He had to pay a fine for that. Dave 4. Lyle didn't train enough last week. The coach didn't let him play in the match. If Lyle 5. We didn't study for the test so we failed it. We 6. I didn't remember that it was her birthday. That's why I didn't call her. I ...7. Marion didn't have enough money with her. She didn't buy the dress she wanted. Marion

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За это сочинение оценки не будет, госпожа Деверелл.

You'll get no marks for this essay, Miss Deverell.

Я хотел сказать, как мне понравилось ваше сочинение.

I just wanted to say... how much I enjoyed your essay.

Я только что прочитала переписанное сочинение Трэвиса.

I just read Travis' rewrite of his paper.

Он не переставал рассказывать, какое сочинение замечательное.

He wouldn't stop going on about how great the paper was.

Моё сочинение было поправлено мистером Джонсом.

I had my composition corrected by Mr Jones.

Не считая нескольких орфографических ошибок, это хорошее сочинение.

Apart from a few spelling mistakes, it is a good composition.

Он напишет сочинение о Нашем Отце.

He's going to write a composition on our Lord.

Твое сочинение о герое обошло всех в школе.

Your hero paper is going in the front case of the school.

Этот омлет - моё собственное сочинение.

This is my own composition, this omelette.

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