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Английский задание

Read these sentences and turn form direct into reported speech. Use full verb forms and full stops in your sentences.
1. “Have you seen this film?”, Jane asked Kelly.
2. “Don’t eat with your fingers”, said Mike to Jim.
3. “My boss is discussing the cost of this product with clients,” said Jane.

2 задание

Read the sentences, think and turn from direct to reported speech.
1. He said, "They are working in the garden."
2. He said, " I picked up many flowers."
3. He said, "I dropped the bottle on the floor."

3 задание

Read the sentences and write them in reported speech. Use 'that' in positive sentences for reported speech. Don't forget about full stops in these sentences.
1. “I have ordered a bottle of wine for dinner”, Mike said.
2. “Why are you eating this piece of cake?”, Kate asked me.
3. “They should be polite with customers”, the manager said.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. miss 2. gets up 3. can't stand 4. stays 5. hustle and bustle 6. am studying 7. is thinking 8. starting 9. leaves 10. loves

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