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Put the articles a/an, the, —. ОБЪЯСНИ СВОЙ ВЫБОР
1. How many bridges were there in… London at … beginning of … 11th century?
2. Did you travel to … North?
3. Do you like to travel by … plane or by … car?
4. We had … wonderful time in … Windsor Safary Park.
5. …Mr. West lives in … small town in … west of … England.
6. Who went to … Bolshoi Тheatre … last Sunday?
7. … Children’s theatre is in … centre of … Moscow.
8. –Where is the … Red Square?
-It is in … the centre of … Moscow.
9. … St Pauls’s Cathedral is … biggest church in … Britain.
10. Let’s go to … South of … England.
11. We bought … new dress. …dress is blue.
12. Washington is … capital of … USA.
13. Would you like … cup of coffee?
14. Sir W. Churchill was … famous politician.
15. He would like to visit …Red Square.
16. …Serovs are our friends.
17. … Volga runs into … Caspian Sea.
18. … Pacific Ocean is very deep.
19. … Kazbek is the highest peak of … Caucasus mountains.
20. I have never been to … Lake Onega.
21. … Washington is the capital of … United States.
22. … Europe and … America are separated by … Atlantic Ocean.
23. … Nile flows to … Mediterranean Sea.
24. There are small islands in … Pacific Ocean.
25. … Hymalayas are the highest mountains in … Asia.
26. … Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world.
27. … Glasgow is one of the biggest cities in … United Kingdom.
28. … Red Sea is between … Africa and … Asia.
29…Africa is much larger than … Europe.
30. Last year I visited …Mexico and …United States.
31…South of …England is warmer than … north.
32 … Portugal is in … western Europe.
33… France and …Britain are separated by … Channel.
34 . Jim has traveled a lot in … Middle East.
35… Chicago is on … Lake Michigan.
36… highest mountain in …Africa is … Kilimanjaro.
37. ...next year we are going skiing in … Swiss Alps.
38… Everest was first climbed in 1953.
39/ … Milan is in … north of … Italy.
40/… Seychelles are a group of islands in … Indian Ocean.
41…River Volga flows into … Caspian Sea.
42.… America was discovered in the 15th century.
43. I went to … France last year, but I haven’t been to … Netherlands yet.
44… United Kingdom includes … Great Britain and … Northern Ireland.

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