Есть ответ 👍

1. He proves ... a contemplatine person
A to be B be C was D is
2. They seemed... of his ideas
A disapprove B disapproved C to disapprove D have disapproved
3. She happened ... him at the university.
A to meet B meet C met D have met
4. He is likely ... attention to the problem.
B pays A to pay C paid D has paid
5. They are sure ... a treatise.
A write C wrote B to have written D have written
6. They allowed this work ... at the conference. A to be discussed B to discuss C discuss D has been discussed
7. I wish them... the academy
A establish C establishes B to establish D to have establish
8. I saw her ... the house
A to enter C enter B to have enter D enters
9. He ... to influence badly on young people.
B says A is said C to say D have said
10. They made him... himself
A kill C to have killed B to kill killed D has killed

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Ответы на вопрос:

what do you like in summer? лишнее How

what does Jane is like? лишнее наверное hair


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