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ОТ ОЧЕНЬ НАДО!!!!!!!!!!!! Упражнение 5. Will VS be going to
will — действия в будущем, которые мы не можем изменить, констатация фактов;
will — предсказание или предположение, основанное на собственном опыте или интуиции;
will — спонтанное решение, принятое в данный момент;
be going to — запланированное действие в ближайшем будущем: намерение, план.

1. It ____________probably________(not to rain) in Europe.
2. ______you_______(to come) to my house, please?
3. — Why have you got the flowers? — Because I____________(to visit) my teacher.
4. — I invite you to come to the party. — OK. I___________(to bring) my friend.
5. — I____________(to walk) the dog. — Wait a minute, and I___________(to come) with you.
6. I _________probably never_________(to learn) this poem.
7. I_____________(to stop) smoking.
8. — Have you decided what to buy Alex for his birthday? — Yes, I _________(to buy) him a computer game.
9. I love drawing. I____________(to be) a fashion designer.
10. — How about going for a picnic at weekend? — That’s a good idea. I___________(to make) a cake.
11. — What presents do you think people__________(to give) you next Christmas? — I think my father________(to give) me a book. Somebody___________(to give) me perfume. I don’t think anybody___________(to give) me a laptop.
12. — What _______fashion______(to be) like in the year of 2000? — I’m sure people_______(not to wear) long dresses and suits. Clothes________(to be) comfortable and simple.
13. Next century_________(to begin) on the 1st of January.
14. How long____________(to take) you to do the work?
15. John,________ (to do) me a favour?
16. When______you___________(to visit) your grandma? — Probably next year.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. Is probably will not
2. Will you come
3. Am going to visit
4. Will bring
5. Am going to walk/ will come
6. Am probably never will learn
7. Am going to stop
8. Am going to buy
9. Am going to be
10. Will make
11. Will give/ will give/ will give
12. Is fashion will be
14. Will begin
15. Will you do
16. Are you going to

11 с 12 с 13 b 14 b 15 b 16 c 17 a 18 d 19 c 20 b 21 a 22 a 23 c 24 c 25 d 26 b 27 b 28 b 29 a 30 b 31 d 32 c 33 b 34 c 35 a 36 b 37 a 38 c 39 c 40 b 41 b 42 a 43 c 44 d 45 c 46a 47b 48d 49 c 50 в 51 b 52 c 53 b 54 c 55 a 56 d 57 b 58 d 59 b 60 a

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