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ответ: Activities -мероприятия




1  mr. sawyer ( subject) usually(adverbial of frequency) reads(predicate) his (attribute)newspaper(object) at night(adverbial of time). does mr. sawyer usually read his newspaper at night? общий who  usually reads his newspaper at night? вопрос к подлежащему when does mr. sawyer usually read his newspaper ? специальный does mr. sawyer usually read his newspaper at night or in the morning? альтернативный mr. sawyer usually reads his newspaper at night, doesn`t he? разделительный2  mary and james (subject) work (predicate)in the hospital(adverbial of place) do mary and james work in the hospital? общийwho works in the hospital? вопрос к подлежащему where do  mary and james work? специальный mary and james work in the hospital,don`t they? разделительныйdo  mary and james work or study in the hospital? альтернативный 3    they(subject) will go (predicate)to new york (adverbial of place) next year (adverbial of time)will t hey go to new york next year? общийwho   will go to new york next year? вопрос к подлежащему they will go to new york next year,won`t they? разделительныйwhere  will hey go to new york next year? специальныйwill  they go to new york next year or next month? альтернативный 4 w e (subject) went (predicate) to the cinema(adverbial of place) yesterday(adverbial of time) did we go to the cinema yesterday? общийwho  went to the cinema yesterday? вопрос к подлежащему we went to the cinema yesterday,didn`t we? разделительный where did we go yesterday? специальныйdid we go to the cinema or to the museum yesterday? альтернативный5    he( subject) has listened (predicate)to the news (object) at breakfast (adverbial ) has he  listened to the news at breakfast? общийwho has listened to the news at breakfast? вопрос к подлежащему he has listened to the news at breakfast,hasn`t he? разделительный when has he listened to the news? специальныйhas he listened to the news at breakfast or at lunch? альтернативный 

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