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3. True




Напишите вопросы. все предложения относятся к будущему времениwhat are you doing tomorrow evening? what time are  bob and sue  coming? are you working next week? when is  liz  going on holiday? закончите предложения, используя for или since. jack is here. he arrived here on tuesday. he has  been here since tuesday.i know  ann. i first met ann two years ago. i’ve  known  ann  for two years.i have a camera. i bought it in 1995. i've  had a camera since 1995.they are married. they got married six months ago. they've  been married for six months.  вставьте: can, could, was able to, can’t, couldn’t или wasn’t able todear      mary  ,i'm very pleased you can come to stay at the weekend.    i'm sorry i couldn't talk to you  on the phone yesterday, but i wasn’t able to leave the baby. i could get tickets for the theatre on saturday i can't  wait to go. mum says that when she was young    you  could  have tickets for £2! you certainly  can't  now! we haven't been able to fix the car yet but mom says we can  borrow hers. by the way, the baby can  say three new words! seeyou on friday.

Популярно: Английский язык