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Writing comprehension test
1. Оберіть відповідне модальне дієслово
1. You … eat more vegetables to be healthy.

a must
b may
c should

2. Children …to use their phones during the lessons.

a can
b haven`t
c mustn`t

2. All passengers … have tickets.

a must
b may
c can

3. This is a secret. You …tell anybody.

a can`t
b may not
c shouldn`t

4. I …skate very well

a can
b may
5. … you bring me some coffee, please?

a must
b could
c may

6. My younger brother… go to bed at 10 o`clock.

a should
b can`t
c mustn`t

II. Оберіть правильний варіант серед запропонованих ( граматичні часи )
1. Marta and Kevin …every week.

a swim
b is swimming
c are swimming
d swims

2. He … cleaned the car. It is clean.

a has washed
b is washing
c washes
d washed

3. Can you be quiet? The children…

a sleep
b is sleeping
c will sleep
d are sleeping

4. … you ever… to Paris?

a Have..been
b Has.. been
c Did… go
d Will..go

5. Next year my family… their holiday in Lviv.

a spend
b will spend
c are spending
d spend

6. Helen …English , but …Italian.

a speak …don`t speak
b speaks … don`t speak
c speaks …doesn`t speak
d is speaking… isn`t speaking

7. Last week James… a new house on Lane Street.

a have bought
b buys
c will buy
d bought

III. Оберіть правильний варіант серед запропонованих ( питальні речення )
… do the Wilsons live?

a How
b What
c Where
d When

2. …hobbies does Andy have?

a Why
b Where
c Which
d How much

3. … do you go to the shop so late?

a When
b Who
c Why
d What

4….gave you this flowers? – My friend.

a Who
b When
c What

5. … do you usually drink tea? – In the morning

a What
b When
c How often
c How many
d Which

6. ….sugar do you put in your coffee?

a How many
b What
c How often
d How much

IV. Розкрийте дужки, використовуючи дієслово у відповідному часі.
1. You (to go) to the library tomorrow? - No, I (to ) go there yesterday.
2. Ukrainians (to celebrate ) Independence Day in summer.
3. Dinosaus (to live) on our planet many years ago.
4. My sister (to dream) about good career.
5. Look! Jane ( to swim) very fast.
6. All students already (to pas) their exams.
7. Which berries you (to like) ? – I (to like) strawberries most of all.
8. I never (to be) to Germany.

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Ответы на вопрос:

At the moment, there is no consensus on what the preconditions for the collapse of the ussr do not exist. however, most scholars are united in the fact that their beginnings were laid in the very ideology of the bolsheviks, which, albeit in many respects formally, recognized the right of nations to self-determination. the weakening of central power has provoked the formation of new power centers on the outskirts of the state. it is worth noting that similar processes occurred in the very beginning of the 20th century, in the period of revolutions and the collapse of the russian empire. in short, the causes of the collapse of the ussr are as follows: a crisis provoked by the planned nature of the economy and leading to a shortage of many consumer goods; unsuccessful, in many respects unreasoned, reforms, which led to a sharp deterioration in the standard of living; massive discontent of the population with interruptions in food supplies; an ever-widening gap in the standard of living between citizens of the ussr and citizens of the countries of the capitalist camp; aggravation of national contradictions; weakening of central authority; the authoritarian nature of soviet society, including strict censorship, the prohibition of the church and so on.here are the consequences of the collapse of the ussr: • a sharp decline in production in all countries of the former ussr and a drop in the standard of living of the population; • the territory of russia decreased by a quarter; • access to seaports has once again become more difficult; • the population of russia has decreased - in fact, by half; • the emergence of numerous national conflicts and the emergence of territorial claims between the former soviet republics; • globalization has begun - processes that transformed the world into a single political, information, and economic system were gradually gaining momentum; • the world became unipolar, and the only superpower was the united states.

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