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Слово, транскрипция, перевод каждой картинки​

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Ответы на вопрос:

куртка- jacket

свитер- sweater

юбка- skirt

ожерелье- necklace





часы- clock


ответ: кроссовки-sneakers-ˈsniːkərz( составишь сам(а) в правильном порядке)джинсы-Jeans-dʒiːnz,сумка-bag-bæɡ,часы-clock-klɑːk,юбка-skirt -skɜːrt,толстовка-smock-smɑːk,бусы-bead-biːd,свитер- sweater -ˈswetər,блузка или кофта- blouse -blaʊs,обувь -shoes -ˈʃuːz


1. Alexander works as a customs officer at Dovodedovo airport Customs. He has worked there for five years.

2. He is flying on a business trip to Vladivostok this Tuesday. He has a cousin there. He will stay at his place.

3. They look exhausted. They have been searching the cargo from China for hours.

4. We have known each other for a long time.

5. The K-9 enforcement team is searching the passengers in the baggage claim hall now. The dog has not sniffed out anything so far.

6. It is the first time the team has worked with this drug detector dog.

7. I rate that performance one of the best I have ever seen.

8. Customs officers at airports process lots of passengers, goods and mail every day.

9. I have been learning irregular verbs all afternoon.

10. This is the third time you have asked me the same question.

11. It is not as big as I expected.

12. Some fool let the dog out. – Who let that dog out? It’s aggressive.

13. We have learned enough to pass the exam. (The exam is still to come.)

14. We learned enough to pass the exam. (The exam is over.)

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