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Task 1. Complete the text with the Past Simple Passive form of the verbs in brackets.
Modern text messages, or SMS, were invented(invent) in 1992. Early messages ___________ (not write) on a mobile phone, they could only be sent from a computer to a phone. The first message in the UK said “Merry Christmas”. In 1993, the first mobile-to-mobile SMS service___________(introduce) in Sweden. It wasn’t popular immediately, but by 2011, an average of 17.9 billion texts_______(send) every day. However, technology always moves forward, and in the same year, SMS messages______(replace)as the most popular way of sending texts. Chat apps, such as WhatsApp, ___________(use) to send 19 billion texts a day. Experts think this number is going to double in the next two years.

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