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I Choose the correct variant
1. I would write this test, if I _____enough time.
a) would have
b) had
c) will have
2. We will invite all our friends, if we _____to this house.
a) move
b) will move
c) moved
3. He ______the message, if he knew Spanish.
a) understand
b) will understand
c) would understand
4. If the weather_____fine, we will celebrate your birthday outside.
a) is
b) be
c) will be
5. The water colds, if we _____it into the fridge.
a) will put
b) would put
c) put
6. The parents ____me go to the Crimea, if I pass exams well.
a) would let
b) will let
c) let
7. If you _____the key, we won’t enter the house.
a) lose
b) would lose
c) will lose
8. If I had a chance, I ______to Cuba.
a) go
b) will go
c) would go
II Complete the similes
9. He is as busy as …
10. This baby is as cute as …
11. This bag is as light as …
12. This water is as cold as…
13. They are as bright as…
14. We are as happy as…
15. It’s as hot as …

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 had

2 move

3 would understand

4 is

5 put

6 will let

7 lose

8 would go

9 ....a bee

10....a flower

11....a feather


13.....the sun

14....me now

15....in an oven

Now Ann is learning new French words

Does she play tennis everyday

Are they playing computer games now

My brothers watch cartoons on Sunday

They are playing computer games now

Популярно: Английский язык