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Fill in the correct tenses.
1. __________ John ever _____________ (win) a prize at a race?
2. I __________ (fall) asleep yesterday when I ______ (watch) TV.
3. George ____________ never __________________ (be) to Canada.
4. Tom is back to England. He __________ (be) to Italy for three weeks.
5. We ______________________ (do) a lot last Sunday.
6. I sometimes __________________ (go) to the cinema.
7. Nick ____________________ (work) hard yesterday.
8. I _______ (find) my ring yet which I ________ (lose) at the party yesterday.
9. They ______________________ (build) this castle in 1762.
10. Would you like to have something to eat? No, thank you I _____ (just have)
11. Sue _____________________ (get) up at 6 o´clock every day.
12. Look! Sue _______________________ (run) down the street.
13. This house _____________________ (cost) 35.000 pounds in 1980.
14. Cats __________________ (catch) mice.
15. ___________ you _____________ (meet) Bill yesterday?
16. When he _______ (arrive), we ___________ (have) dinner.
17. __________ he ___________________ (already arrive) in Los Angeles?
18. I ____________________ (see) him since last Wednesday.
19. Father ______ (smoke) his pipe while mother ______ (prepare) lunch.
20. Look, it _____________________ (snow)
21. I usually ____________ (take) the bus to school.
22. Yesterday morning I ____________________ (get) up at 6.30.
23. We needed some money so we _______________ (sell) our car.
24. He asked me, “_________ she ever ___________________ (be) to Spain?”
25. My mother asked us, “What ______ Peter ________________ (do) now?”
26. Please don´t make so much noise. I __________________________ (study).
27. We can leave. Samantha ___________________ her car keys. (just find)
28. Carol often ________________________ (learn) with her father.
29. Now Ron ________ (phone) Jill again. It ____________ (be) the third
time he ________ (phone) her this evening.
30. It______ (rain) now. It ___________ (begin) raining two hours ago. So, it ___________ (rain) for two hours.
31. She asked me, “_______ you __________________ (hear) from Tom?”
32. “____ it _____ (rain)?” she always _________________ (ask) me.
33. I asked my brother, “_____ you _______ (go) out last night?”
34. New York ________________ (be) one of the largest cities of the world.
35. This house ____________________________ (cost) 350.000 pounds in 1980.
36. While Tom ____________ (play) tennis, An_________ (take) a shower.
37. Mike _______ (play) chess. How long _________________ (play)?
38. “_________ you _______________ (speak) English?” she was asked.
39. When they _____ (work) in the garden, the phone ___________(ring).
40. After they ______ (have) their breakfast, they_____ (go) shopping yesterday.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)   read

2) were dancing, were playing

3) have cooked, came

4) was writing, came

5) travelled

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