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1 Who are people mentioned in the text? Do they really exist? 2 When the text mentions 'scientists', 'experts', or people', does it say who they are or where they are from (a university, a government agency or a hospital)? 3 Who wrote the text? Does it say? What do you know about this person? What other things have they written? 4 Which website is the text from? What do you know about the website or the people who create it? no. 5 Do the places in the text really exist? 6 If the text uses scientific language, is it really science or 'pseudo' science? 7 Is there photographic evidence of what the text says? Does it look real? Do you know who took the photos? 8 What is the source of the article? Is it a text that comes from another place, like a scientific or official document? Is it from newspaper or a serious magazine?

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