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Електричний нагрівник опором 20 ом приєднали до джерела струму з напругою 220в нагрівання води масою 1 , 4 кг від 10 градусів цельсію до 60 градусів цельсію за до цього нагрівника тривало 2,5
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Ответы на вопрос:

i.had arranged, came, told,   would return, was asked, was offered, was having, came, have you been waiting long?

is raining,has changed, doesn't brighten up

ii.captain smith was the captain of «the titanic». he hoped to prove that «the titanic» was the fastest ship in   the  world. although it was early spring he led the ship to the   north. he knew that there were icebergs, but «the titanic» was considered to be an unsinkable ship.when he understood his mistake he helped to evacuate   passengers and died a hero. he was one of the 1490 people who drowned on that terrible night.iii. вставьте правильный предлог или послелог, где необходимо.1. i am not satisfied with  my progress in maths.2. he was in such a hurry, so he left   the party without saying good-buy to the host.3. luckily we arrived at the station in fifteen minutes after we had left home.iv. составьте предложения, расположив слова в нужном порядке.1. there is no excuse for coming to exam not in time.2.next year this house to the fmished will be ours.3. watching sports on television is very relaxing.



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