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1Circle the correct item.
1) Alex says/tells that he was busy yesterday.
2) Mike said/ told that the film was boring.
3) They said/told me that they could play basketball well.
4) Sue said/told that her sister was younger than she.
5) Monica says/tells us that she has to look after her brother.
6) I said/told Henry that I was preparing for the test.
7) We said/told our teacher that we were ready for the dictation.
8) Peter said/told that his friends were waiting for him.
9) Mary and Kate said/told that they had Maths lessons every day.
10) My uncle said/told me that he would phone in the evening.
2Circle the correct item.
1) Mark says that he has/had six lessons every day.
2) My friend said that he is/was in a hurry.
3) She told him that she can/ could drive a car.
4) My Granny says she is/was baking a cake.
5) They said they have/had seen that film.
6) The doctor said I must/had to take a cold shower.
7) Eric told me that we will/ would receive the invitations in some days.
8) The manager says that he has/had already prepared all the documents.
9) The shop-assistant told me that she can/could give me another pair of gloves.
10) Helen said that she has/had already had lunch.
3Report the statements.
1) Jack said, «I’m repairing the radio».
2) Fred said, «My cousin usually goes to the gym after school».
3) Ann said, «I have never been to the Theme Park».
4) Andrew said, «I can’t remember the number of his flat».
5) We said, «We returned home at five o’clock».
6) I said, «I’m hungry».
7) She said, «My aunt will take me to the exhibition».
8) Our teacher said, «I know about this fact».
9) My father said, «You may play the computer a bit longer».
10) Sally said, «We were discussing the play at that time».
11) Tony said, « I have just finished my report».
12) The waiter said, «The taxi is waiting for you».
13) I said, «I don’t agree with you, Paul».
14) Henry said, «I have ordered a cup of hot chocolate».
15) Tim said, «Our trip won’t be long».
16) Jane said, «I didn’t buy the magazine».
17) A little girl said, «I can’t ride a bike».

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Ответы на вопрос:

Человек и природа взаимосвязаны. это было всегда. первобытные люди настолько трепетно относились природе, что обожествляли ее. и огонь, и вода, и земля, и небо… все стихии виделись первобытному человеку божествами. да и растения, и животные, и птицы. это трепетное отношение к природе и сейчас теплится в душе каждого человека. природа и человек тесно связаны. и если природа может существовать без человека, то человек без нее не может. поэтому так важно жить в гармонии с природой. но, к сожалению, люди пытаются подчинить себе природы, стать ее хозяином, однако, это не получается.

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