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Выполни упражнения №1, №2и №3 в этом же документе, сохрани файл под своей фамилией и пришли учителю.

Упражнение №1.

Вставьте изученные слова в предложения в правильной форме

My father reads newspapers every day because he is interested in political and cultural e ______ in the country.

A c____ of pupils gathered outside the school building.

My granddad r_____ when he was more than sixty years old.

Students should r ______ their teachers for their hard work.

My mother always e _______ me when things aren’t going well.

I don’t want someone to read my messages. It’s my p______ life.

I’m sure that I can t _____ my friend to keep my secrets.

Nick reads a lot and knows much. He is very e____person.

Упражнение №2.

Подставь правильный предлог к фразовому глаголу to take:

The plane takes ____ at 5 o’clock.

It’s time to take the books _____ to the school library.

This carpet on the wall is very old. Let’s take it____.

The children take _____ their father. All of them are talented and hardworking.

Take _____ your toys from here, please.

I’d like you to take _____ my new address.

Упражнение №3.

В каждое предложение вставь слово enough в нужное место:

The skyscraper is tall to see the whole city from the top.

I have money to buy new mobile phone.

I know English well to understand foreigners.

The ice is thick to walk on.

There are desks in the classroom for all the pupils.

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Популярно: Английский язык