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Fill in each blank with the required preposition

1. The Chairman invited the members ... the Commission to give their views, first ... the content ... the agenda, and then ... the order ... which the items should be studied.

2 ... the absence ... any observations ... the content ... the agenda, he suggested the following order ...discussion ... the various items: Diplo¬matic intercourse and immunities, Arbitral procedure, Law ... Treaties, Slate responsibility, and Consular intercourse and immunities, the remaining business items to be dealt the most convenient opportunity.

3. Mr. A., Secretary ... the Commission, observed that the discus¬sion ... the Commission's draft convention ... arbitral procedure ... the tenth session ... the General Assembly had put the question ... an entirely new light. The Special Reporter would no doubt wish to make an oral report ... the comments made ... that session ... addition ... his written report.

4. Mr. B. accepted the Secretary's suggestion.

5. The CHAIRMAN said that, bearing ... mind the suggestion made ... the Secretary ... the Commission, the Chairman's proposal ... the order ... discussion ... the agenda items would be considered as adopted, if there was no objection.

It was so decided.

The agenda was adopted.

The meeting rose ... 3.40 p. m.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.no, they aren't pencils   - are they pencils? 2. are you in year seven? yes, we're in year seven

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